ProPlast / ProPlast Extra
Cement Based Fiber Reinforced Thermal Insulation Board Plaster Mortar
ProPlast is a polymer modified, fiber reinforced, single component cement based plaster material used for external plastering of polystyrene and rock wool boards developed for external thermal insulation systems. ProPlast Extra should be used in rock wool boards.
Areas of Use
In interior and exterior areas, in plastering of thermal insulation boards (expanded polystyrene (EPS) and extruded polystyrene (XPS), rock wool, polyurethane board, etc.)
• Easy to apply, long processing time.
• Provides high adhesion strength, flexible.
• Paint can be applied directly on it, provides an aesthetic appearance.
• Resistant to water and frost.
• Not affected by temperature changes, can be used indoors and outdoors.
• Does not crack.
• Breathes, low water vapor diffusion coefficient.
Packaging Type
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